New Plastics Center NPC Research Seminar 10.12.2019

10.12.2019, klo 10-16
Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Auditorio, Mukkulankatu 19


10:00 Guided tour in the laboratory and plastics recycling of Lahti University of Applied Sciences
11:00 Possibility for lunch at the campus restaurant (own expense)
11:30 Registration and coffee
12:00-13:30 Opening of the seminar, Managing Director Vesa Kärhä, Finnish Plastics Industries Federation

Bio-based material options for packaging and other applications, Senior Research Fellow Johanna Lahti, Tampere University

​​Plastics and environment, Senior Research Scientist Sari Kauppi, SYKE

LCA of plastic products, Managing Director Antti Niskanen, LCA Consulting Oy

13:30-14:00 Coffee Break
14:00-16:00 BIOSYKLI and KIEMURA projects, Principal Lecturer Reijo Heikkinen, Lahti University of Applied Sciences and Managing Director Vesa Taitto, The Finnish Plastic Association

Novel bio-based packaging films, Research Professor Ali Harlin, VTT

Circular economy directing goals for food packaging research, University Lecturer Hanna Koivula, University of Helsinki

VALUEBIOMAT  – Bio-oils based polymeric composites; value chain from synthesis to additive manufacturing, Professor Jukka Seppälä, Aalto University

The seminar is free of charge (exluding the lunch before the seminar), but the registration is needed.

Please register by 1.12.2019 using the form below.

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